What is @babel/helper-module-transforms?
The @babel/helper-module-transforms package is part of the Babel toolchain, designed to assist in the transformation of ECMAScript modules. It provides utility functions and helpers that facilitate the conversion of ES6 module syntax (import/export) to various module systems (like CommonJS, AMD, UMD, etc.) that are compatible with different environments and bundlers. This package is mainly used internally by Babel plugins to abstract and simplify the handling of module transformations.
What are @babel/helper-module-transforms's main functionalities?
Transform ES6 import/export to CommonJS
This feature allows the transformation of ES6 module syntax into CommonJS syntax, enabling compatibility with environments that support CommonJS modules. The code sample demonstrates how an ES6 import statement is transformed into a CommonJS require call.
"use strict";\n\nvar _foo = require("foo");\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nvar _foo2 = _interopRequireDefault(_foo);\n\nconsole.log(_foo2.default);
Interoperability with default and named exports
Ensures interoperability between ES6 modules and CommonJS by handling default and named exports. The code sample shows how a default export in ES6 is transformed to be compatible with CommonJS, including the use of Object.defineProperty to simulate ES6 export behavior.
"use strict";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.default = void 0;\nvar _default = 'Hello, world!';\nexports.default = _default;
Other packages similar to @babel/helper-module-transforms
This package is a Babel plugin that transforms ES6 modules to CommonJS modules. It is similar to @babel/helper-module-transforms in that it deals with module transformation, but it is specifically a plugin that can be added to Babel configurations to apply the transformation, whereas @babel/helper-module-transforms provides the underlying functionalities used by such plugins.
While not a direct alternative, rollup-plugin-babel integrates Babel with Rollup, a module bundler. This plugin allows Rollup to use Babel for transforming JavaScript, including module syntax. It's similar in the sense that it deals with module transformations as part of the build process, but it operates within the Rollup ecosystem.
Babel helper functions for implementing ES6 module transformations
See our website @babel/helper-module-transforms for more information.
Using npm:
npm install --save @babel/helper-module-transforms
or using yarn:
yarn add @babel/helper-module-transforms